Out trip to Samar that was supposedly a Summer Outing, turned out to be an amazing race challenge when we realized that Tropical Depression 'Bebeng' was on the way. But inspite of rerouting, riding different vehicles and facing the storm head on, my mother's will to reach our destination prevailed.  ( Since mother's day, we had to oblige by her deepest wishes - madami daw naghihintay ng sweldo =p
    True enough, our 'Buwis Buhay' trip paid off. It was rewarding to see the developments in the resort. It's not yet fully operational. But my mom wants to have a soft opening sometime soon, just to cater to the locals and to introduce ourselves.
    Samar is now being introduced as a new spot for trippers with it's numerous tourist attractions - old churches, rock formations, and white beaches.  Just an hour boat ride from the tip of Bicol (Matnog, Sorsogon), you'll find the Dalupirit Island.  There are around 4 operational resorts in this island. We'll be the fifth resort. ^_*
    EWP Resto and Cafe team will manage the restaurant in the Resort. We might  just call it the Veranda - since it would be weird to call it Roofdeck =P  Our goal is to help provide job opportunities for the locals in the place specially those who would like to go into food service and commercial cooking =) We also target to showcase our favorite meals in Roofdeck and mix them with the native delicacies to satisfy the curious taste buds of  both locals and tourist alike.
    The Resort will also have 8 rooms, 6 cottages, a internet library, the Veranda and a pool. If God will bless us with funds, we'll be able operational by Summer Next Year. 
    Untill then, we'll keep you posted. ^_*

    As for me, I just look forward to the space where I can design and paint the walls. =) yey! I just have this great idea where blue and brown will paint the town! :D 
The Rooms
The View

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