After sometime, I was able to find time to organize and find a place where I can showcase our small business :)  It's been a while since I last posted a blog entry or wrote any article.  I've been trying to make an official website for roofdeck since 2008 Kaso I've been busy with my office work and other stuff  - I was busy preparing for my wedding last year .

                I'm dusting off my writing skills and susubukan natin ulit ;) Hope I can find time to squeeze out my creative juice and entertain you with my thoughts. 

*PS. forgive me if madaming typo or wrong grammar,  this is how I roll ;) hehehe

                For now,  enjoy the site and feel free to browse and read through some old and new stuff about the Roofdeck.  Jot down some notes and leave some comments!

                Thanks for the support and interest ;)
1/26/2011 01:20:02 pm

Hi, nice site :) more power to roofdeck!!! Wish this 2011 gave us abundance blessings to come!!! enjoy and have fun :p

3/18/2011 01:54:42 pm

Was scanning your site and find it interesting.
More blessing po to you, your family and your business!!!

Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper and be satisfied. Proverbs 13:4 (NLT) ;=)


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