If your website can't be found on the internet, what good is it? - This line struck me hard.  Oo nga! in this time and age - if they can't find you or specifically "Google" you then you're not IT. 
        So one day, when I tried to 'Google'  "Roofdeck"  and found nothing relevant to our store, I decided that's it's time.        It's time to make ourselves known in the world wide web.  For one! I finally finalized the website -  not much but simple and informative enough to showcase our past guests, menu and our company. :) Second, it's time to connect with our guest and have some interaction and feedback. Because let's face it, people search online to know more about you, what others think about you,  and generally to check out if they can trust you or your product~
      Ever since I could remember, I refer to clickthecity for the latest updates on movie schedule and new place to hang out in the metro. I wondered how people were able to put ads and get listed. So I decided to try links that says ~ get listed for free not knowing if they'd reply back. hehehe!  So you could just imagine my excitement when I received an email asking me for images. I replied back and after almost 2 weeks of hoping, I sent out a follow up. The next day, they told me to check our the next day for updates. I got so excited when I search their page and saw our details. Not much but just as they say, in this business word of mouth is really a plus. Publicity no matter how small is still publicity ;)

        Now when you try to Google us,  We're visible! ;)
        Thank you for the 'LIKE' and best comments =)

Next Stop: How to be featured in a show or a magazine!? hahahah more more prayers pa!

    ps. I'm so happy and thankful that  I have so many friends  that supports us. Thank you for giving us more reason to be better.

Michelle, our Model ;)
        Ilan beses mo na ba naranasang kinulang ka sa drinks pero parang ayaw mo na dahil masyadong mahal para sa isa pa?

        Aminin mo man o hindi, sasabihin mong sana hindi naman masyadong taga or sana ang bottomless ay  bottomless talaga! yun tipong, ikaw na ang susuko pero meron pa. hehehe

       Dito sa Roofdeck, you have the option to TOWER UP  :)

      Visit us now and ask our friendly partners kung pano mag TOWER UP! Go big time? ~ Go unlimited!

    For the month of love, we offered some sweet treats for couples and family. :) 
    We  have food promo ranging from 149 to 299 only this Love Month! 
      For only 149, you can have your favorite morning pancakes with your choice of 2 Hot Chicco 'd Oro Coffee.
     Celebrate true love with TUNA!  at pa-TUNA-yan na ikaw ay mahal ;) Try it with our strawberry Freeze drink for an affordable 299 price!
     Lastly, enjoy your All time favorite Grilled menu with your partner with drinks and dessert for only 299! What a treat indeed!
    Aside from the discounts on selected FEB-IBIG   items, we gave a couple of cadbury chocos. =)

        I've been thinking of something to blog about for some time now. What better way to start?  I figured why not show case some of our menu and specialties :D

        Our all time favorite ulam slash pulutan is one of the specialties in our resto ;) When you happen to drop by our place, do try our Sisig! Best served HoT and Sizzling with fresh egg!
        The main reason why I actually made this site was to show or blog about something I found out. hehehe. Last week, I was trying to google 'ROOFDECK' but nothing related to our resto was shown.  ( Asaness naman ako!) Then I tried another search, this time I placed "EWP Resto and Cafe". Voila!  It showed something like this:
            I tried to click and yey! we really are listed! wohoo! hahaha  Sorry, I'm just awed at the thought that for one, Calamba has it's Business Directory ( at least i know where our taxes go ) and two we're listed along with other known establishments here in Calamba.

            It's like one of those feelings when you see yourself in a film as extra - the person sitting next to the big stars in the movie. OR those unknown faces waiving frantically at the back of the newscaster while he reports live.  hahaha Jologs! tama na nga!

            A little advertisment from the Government wouldn't hurt, right ?
                After sometime, I was able to find time to organize and find a place where I can showcase our small business :)  It's been a while since I last posted a blog entry or wrote any article.  I've been trying to make an official website for roofdeck since 2008 Kaso I've been busy with my office work and other stuff  - I was busy preparing for my wedding last year .

                I'm dusting off my writing skills and susubukan natin ulit ;) Hope I can find time to squeeze out my creative juice and entertain you with my thoughts. 

*PS. forgive me if madaming typo or wrong grammar,  this is how I roll ;) hehehe

                For now,  enjoy the site and feel free to browse and read through some old and new stuff about the Roofdeck.  Jot down some notes and leave some comments!

                Thanks for the support and interest ;)