Amidst everything that's been happening in the world, there are still some people who finds time just to do something unnecessary. Last 17Mar, upon arrival of the staff in our resto and office they found that the Tarp in our parking area was stolen :| what the ?!? My father had ensured that this was pinned and drilled to the wall before he left for the province. It's unbeliveable but it's really probable as my dad would constantly remind me of the risk of putting a tarp outside. I know at the back of my mind that this could happen, but I prayed hard and hope that it'll attract more customers before It would be stolen. Hahaha. Well, for me it believed it has already served it's purpose. Though it's another hit in the gut, we have to shell out for another tarp and pray harder that those people will have no more interest in the same 'design'. 

     I just hope that whoever stole it, would be able to put it in good use! I'd be glad if one day I see that tarp at the back of a pedicab or a tricycle. At least we'd be advertised.

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